Thursday, July 2, 2015

Renowned pastor urges Ghanaians not to accept homosexuality

Accra - A renowned Preacher, Rev. Nana Anyani Boadum, has blasted some leaders in the country saying that they influence homosexuality in the country , he urged Ghanaians not to accept homosexuality as it a curse, and is condemned by most communities.

According to Ghana web, he has called on the Christian body, and various other stakeholders such as the executive, legislature, judiciary, traditional leaders and social activists to campaign vehemently against it.

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“There are certain boundaries we don’t have to cross. Before you remove any boundary, first ask yourself why the boundary was put there. We shouldn’t accept it.”
His comes after a US Supreme Court ruling that has legalised same-sex marriage in the United States.

Read more on this story at Ghana web

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