Monday, May 16, 2016

How an unarmed 78-year-old man saved his two young sons from Boko Haram

A 78-year-old Nigerian man has told how he single-handedly rescued his captive sons from the Boko Haram militant group.

Madu Zaromi says that his home in Damasak, in the north-eastern state of Borno, is in an area of the country that remains under the control of the Islamist organisation.

President Muhammadu Buhari claimed in February that Boko Haram no longer hold "any territory" in Nigeria. However, this is commonly understood to be an exaggeration by the former general, as he attempts to follow through on his crucial election promise to defeat the insurgency.

In an interview with Nigeria's Daily Trust magazine, Mr Zaromi suggested that Boko Haram retains control over areas of its former stronghold in the north-east. He described his hometown as a "ghost town" where "[gun]fire" can still be seen at night.


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